
From Siete Pares Escrima
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Our Creed is as Follows[edit | edit source]

Respect for the GRANDMASTER and MASTER are our first Discipline.

Never CRITICIZE another style, MASTER of the style and their beliefs.

Respect of human dignity. DO NOT laugh at other’s mistakes, the practice of SIETE PARES ESCRIMA teaches that errors should result in a learning experience, not a humiliating one

ARROGANT and VIOLENT CHARACTER has no place in SIETE PARES ESCRIMA, let alone in any Martial Art. Refinement of character is important.

The Initiation of New Members is to achieve humility, established brotherhood, camaraderie, and respect to other HIGH RANKING MEMBER’S. Non-initiated members can join the initiation regardless of rank.

Remember: Great is the Man who conquer others, but greater is the Man who conquer Himself and respect others.

Siete Pares (Ilongo) Eskrima Philosophy[edit | edit source]

Ilongo eskrima philosophy.png