In Tribute
In Tribute to the Founder and Great Grandmaster Sozing Labor of Siete Pares Escrima[edit | edit source]
On June 29th, 2008, the founder of the Siete Pares Escrima system, Sozing Labor passed away in the Philippines. He was in his 80’s.
We honor his memory and are proud to be part of his legacy to this day.
In the world of martial arts, there are many who are proficient exponents of their art. There are also many who are very good at teaching the principles, techniques and strategies of their art.  Within these arts, there are also many good fighters, those who have absorbed the spirit and point that their art is trying to convey. Then there are those prodigies who are good fighters, who immediately absorb the fighting strategies, the lessons, who have been willing to forge those lessons in the fires of conflict and who are also very good at transmitting that skill, who are good at teaching why something works, showing how it works, and when it works. Amongst these prodigies are those who can fuse and understand several arts that are complete in their own sense and forge a new weapon from them, with each distinct lesson, concept and strategy present in singular and multiple ways in that new weapon.
One such person, who can forge, wield and teach that weapon is Sozing Labor.
Emerging from the perennial conflicts of the Philippines, Great Grandmaster Sozing Labor earned his fame in the only true way that someone in the martial arts can, through fighting.  Instead of throwing away and disregarding the skills of his opponents, though, he learned them, absorbed them and made something entirely new.  More than that, he produced proficient fighters. Because of this, he became more than the sum of his skills, great though they were.
Because of this, this treasure that he’s given to us, we are eternally grateful, and we honor his memory with excellent practice and by being the kind of good fighter that he would be proud of.
From the initiated Brotherhood of Siete Pares Escrima, Protectors of the Art: Supreme Grandmaster Bert Labitan
Presiding, Grandmaster Nelson Estanol
All Masters and Gabays are the rear guards of the Brotherhood